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Theme 3.1. Economic division into districts and territorial structure of Russia


The territorial division of labor - the basis of formation of economic regions.

1) Economic regions - the scientific method of the territorial organization of the national economy. Patterns, principles of economic regionalization. Types and systems of economic regions (ER). Integral and sectoral economic regionalization. Current net economic regions of Russia? (see Theme 1.1) Economic Regions (ER) of the European and eastern parts of Russia. ER different taxonomic ranks. ER as the national economic complex. The regional economic complex, the form of its organization:

2) TPK, industrial sites, economic zones, sub-districts of various types, local TPK.
(see Theme 2.1.) Calculated indicators and criteria of specialization, integrated development and economic efficiency of the district. Problems of improving economic zoning, spatial prediction and distribution of productive forces. Fundamentals of regional planning. The value of regional planning and its main species. Regional planning - the scientific basis for optimal placement of all types of production-governmental activities in the area. Problems of improving the economic zoning, and administrative-territorial system of Russia.

The territorial division of labor - the basis of formation of ER territory and permanent population of Russia in eras of 1.01.2000.
The principles of regionalization: economic (considering district ENHK as part of the country) National (takes into account national characteristics - the desire for an independent administrative entity); administration (ensure the unity of economic area). Two approaches to the final principle:

1) preserving the unity of the regions or administrative units of ER.

2) the coincidence of the borders of one ER with one of the ATE-in present.

The current zoning of the Russia consists of three major links: the major economic regions, the average link (edge, region, republic), grass-roots areas (urban, rural).

ER can be combined into economic zones. In Russia there are distinguished 2 zones - Western (Europe part of Russia and the Urals) and East (Siberia and Far East). In the western zone of three fortified area - North and Center for European part of Russia, the Ural-Volga region and the European South. In the east - Siberia and the Far East.

Today there are three types of regions:

1) labor-surplus (Northern Caucasus, Stavropol and Krasnoyarsk Krai, Rostov Region).

2) Defense Industry (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod region, the Urals, and industrial sites in Southern Siberia).

3) Consumer and depression - a significant part of the North.

There are sectoral zoning (metal base), districts of engineering, agricultural zoning, etc.


Placement of the productive forces is in accordance with the laws of nature and economic laws.

The territorial form of organization of production: TPK, industrial areas, settlements, metropolitan area. There are two types of the TPK, influencing the formation of ER:

1) the district TPK, forming the main of the entire region, and

2) the TPK, the foundation which supports an industrial site.

WPK serve not only as a region-factors, but also have a significant impact on the territorial division of labor, inter-sectoral and sectoral context, and, consequently, to improve the border region. The integrity of the district lies in the specialization of the economy, its internal relations that is, through education area is the formation of industrial units, the TPK.

Under the regional planning understand the theory and practice of rational organization of the territory of economic or political-administrative regions. Type areas are: urban agglomerations, areas of concentration of industrial resources, recreation areas, farming areas. The most important task of regional planning - a comprehensive economic-territorial unit projected area.
In terms of the transition problems of regional planning will increase for the following reasons: lack of planning elements, the lack of state orders for all items constituting the minimum consumer basket, the bankruptcy of enterprises, unemployment, increased autonomy of enterprises, the conversion of military enterprises.

ER change during the development of productive forces. Revision of the grid of large areas is inevitable. Task combination of market regulation and spatial planning methodology requires a change of zoning. It is expected to provide:
A) 18 economic regions in Russia (Adamesku AA, Kistanov VV). This would allow: in a separate highly area urbanized territory (Moscow, St. Petersburg), a reserve areas in which we can solve the problem of effective co-production; form regions based on natural resources, share key areas with sharp differences in specialization and the composition of productive resources, to form system of sectoral and regional industrial and commercial associations.

B) 10 ERs, which are both subjects of the RF or administrative-territorial units (Vladimir Voronin, M. Shishkov, K..).



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