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Theme 1.4. Geography of the population and manpower. The population standard of living


Concept of the population of the country. 1) dynamics of a population of the Russian Federation as a whole and a cut of subjects of Federation, economical regions. Population density in country regions. Population movement: kinds of movements, the factors defining natural and mechanical movements of the population.  2) population structure, its kinds: territorial, age, ethnic, social-class, religious, language families. The basic forms of moving of the population. A parity between city and agricultural population; cities and their typology. Large city agglomerations.  3) a manpower of the Russian Federation: concept of the manpower; quantitative and quality standard of the manpower; the factors defining their quantitative and qualitative parties; features of placing of the manpower on territory of the country. A role of the manpower in a substantiation of placing of manufacture on territory of the country. the Labour market.  balance of the manpower.  the Problems facing by the Government of the Russian Federation on rational use of a manpower due to the conditions of transition to market relations.  the economic mechanism of rational use of the manpower and increase in the standards of living of the population in a regional view.  concept of the standard of living of the population. The indicators defining the standard of living of the population of the country as a whole, and their differentiation in the country regions.

What is the population? The POPULATION - 1) set of people living on the Earth as a whole or within its any part, who are continuously renewing during the reproduction process (the country, group of the countries, etc.). 2) a synonym of the term "population". The population. The population - set of people living on the Globe (mankind) or within concrete territory - continent, country, area etc. the Population continuously renews during reproduction. The indicators characterising the population: - number and dynamics; - intensity of demographic processes: birth rate, death rate, a natural increase, level of marriages; - moving, urbanization, migration; - age-sexual structure and family condition; - an educational level; - racial, language, ethnic and religious structure.

The country's population takes places on its territory extremely non-uniformly, depending on the level of development of productive forces, presence of natural resources, climate. It is characterised by such indicators, as: population aggregate number as a whole in the country. Number of residents in the Russian Federation at 1.01.2008 has made 142,0 million persons and since 1992 the number of people is annually reduced by several thousand.

It is necessary to know approximately (to 2 significant figures) 4 indicators across Russia as a whole , on macrozones and large economic regions: territory, number and population density, relative density of urban population (see macrozones and economic region as at January, 1st, 2008).

The population number changes under the influence of following factors (2006, by 1 thousand persons): natural movement (birth rate – 10,4 %% (promile), death rate – 15,2 %%, a natural decrease–3,4) and mechanical movement – movings of the person from one territory to another (11 ì-â 2007ã.): arrival - 1615, leaving - 1447, balance of mechanical inflow - 169.
Population structure - population distribution according to age (1989, 2002 and 2007 (%):
Younger able-bodied (till 16 years) – 24, 18 and 16;
Able-bodied (men 16-59, women 16-54) – 57, 61 and 63;
Older able-bodied – 18, 21 and 21.

National structure of Russia: National structure on regions.

The average size of a household (domesticity factor) in 1994 - 2.84, (city-2.84, village-2.85).
Expected life expectancy at a birth (1989 and 2006, years): all population – 70 and 67,7; men - 64 and 61,6; women – 74 and 74,1. From 1987 to 1994 life expectancy was reduced from 70 to 64 years, and since 1995 its small growth is observed.

The territorial structure of the population is a moving on territories of the country, the heat-sink population in various types of city and rural settlements (cities, settlements of city type; agricultural settlements; the settlements which have not been connected with the agriculture; railway stations, landing stage; connected with vacation spots).

During 1992-1998 the number and population density in central part, periphery (migration influence) has increased. Approximately at one level there was population ÇÑ. To other seven economical regions the population was reduced.

Among the major geographical problems – a problem of moving of the population on territory of the country that is connected with an urbanization problem (increase in a role of cities). In the geographical plan the urbanization is connected with territorially economic development of the country as a whole, administrative formations and economic region.

City and rural population: city – 142,8 million people (73,1 %) and rural – 38,25 million people (26,9 %). Growth of relative density of urban population has stopped. Millionaires (more than 1 million people, 13 cities - in decreasing order of the population: Moscow (8.4-without suburbs), S-Petersburg (4.2-/prig.), N. Novgorod, Novosibirsk (by 1.4), Yekaterinburg (1.3), Samara, Omsk (1.2), Ufa, Kazan, Chelyabinsk (1.1), Perm, Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd (1.0).

Classification of settlements (under the Town-planning code accepted by the special law in 1998): A. Cities: 1) super large (over 3 million people); 2) the largest (1-3 million people); 3) large (from 250 thousand to 1 million people); 4) big (100-250 thousand people); 5), averages (50-100); 6) small cities and settlements (to 50 thousand people). There is no mention of settlements of city type. B. Rural settlement: 1) large (over 5 thousand people); 2) big (1-5 thousand people); 3) averages (200 – 1 thousand people); 4) small (less than 200 people).
Criteria of reference of settlements to cities and settlements of city type are established by independently each region (the subject of Federation). In the majority there were norms of the Soviet period: a population (12 and 3 thousand persons), relative density of workers and employees, together with members of families (85 %) - is established in 20th years. In 2007 about 13 % of cities in Russia has a population even less than 10 thousand persons (138), and more than 1/4 settlements of city type (354) – less than 3 thousand people.
Rural settlements: village. Before revolution these concepts, designating two basic Russian versions of the rural occupied places, accurately differed from each other. In village there was a church, and in its village was not. Now no official distinctions between them are present. Usually it is meant that the village is more numerous on the population. In the majority it is valid so. But it is not always the case.
Grouping of rural settlements according to the population. From 1926 to 1989 the number of rural settlements in modern territory of the Russian Federation was reduced from 489 to 153 thousand or in 3.2 times. From 1989 to 2006 the number of grouping of rural settlements essentially has not changed, even small growth is observed. However here account costs are rather probable – in due time are not excluded actually disappeared grouping of rural settlements.

Manpower – the main element of productive forces and the basic source of development of a society. They are understood as a part of the population which due to set of physical and spiritual abilities can work: men from 16 to 60 years; women from 16 to 55 years; the population outside of able-bodied age, but taking part in social activities.

The basic method of planning of manpower is balance.

Components of balance of work: the balance of time necessary for a society; balance of working hours; summary balance of manpower; balance calculations (requirement for preparation of qualified personnel; requirements for a labour; youth employment for work and study; additional requirements for workers and employees and sources of its maintenance; employment on a floor).
Summary balance of manpower – the unique document reflecting all basic proportions in use of economically active population.
Economically active population (labour) is the part of the population providing the offer of a labour for manufacture of the goods and services. Number of economically active population includes occupied and the unemployed.

Occupied in economy - working on hiring and working on not hiring, i.e. independently providing work.
The unemployed - by a technique of the International organisation of work (IOW), also are more senior the person of 16 years: have no work (profitable employment); are engaged in work search (in any form); are ready to start to work.

Rate of unemployment - relative density of number of the unemployed to number of economically active population.

In 1999 after long recession growth of number of economically active population and occupied in economy – from 70 to 75,9 million people (2006), including occupied – 71 and the unemployed – 5,2 million foreheads has begun. Level of the registered unemployment in employment public service – 2,5 %, growth of number of the unemployed from the year 2000 from 1,1 to 1,7 million people in 2008.

Number of the occupied population (million people): 1989 (max)-76, 1992-72, 1999-64.5, 2006 - 69.

STANDARD OF LIVING. Indicators of a standard of living can be conditionally divided into 10 groups: population incomes (including in relation to a living wage), paid services to the population, formation, a science and innovations, culture, public health services, tourism, population living conditions, housing and welfare building, criminality. A generalising indicator - life expectancy.
Real had monetary incomes of the population (in % by 1990): 1995ã. - 72, 2008ã. – 103. A parity average per head the monetary income and a living wage (%) 1992 - 210, 1995 – 202, 1998 203, 2008 – 315. The BASIC SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS of the STANDARD OF LIVING of the POPULATION for the period 1995-2006.


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. : : © M. K. Shishkov, M. Y. Kormushin , 2002-2009 : : .
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