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Theme 1.2. Laws, principles and Factors of placing of manufacture


Concept of laws of placing of manufacture, their objective Character. Objective economic laws and laws places of productive forces:

1)         State regulation Manufactures in market relations;
2)         Placing of manufacture with the account movings of the population, presence of a source of raw materials, a level of development Objects of serving branches, interests of protection surrounding Environments;
3)         Rational, the most effective Manufacture placing;
4)         Complex, harmonious development Economy of all subjects of the Russian Federation.

Principles of placing of productive forces As basic requirements of economic policy The states to concrete spatial placing Manufactures:
1) Manufacture approach to sources of raw materials, fuel, energy and to areas of consumption of production;
2) Complex use of all kinds of natural resources as A basis of effective housekeeping of territory;
3) The account of advantages and economic gains inter-regional and The international division of labour in development and placing Productive forces;
4) The account of interests of strengthening of defensibility of the country at Placing of economic objects;
5) Unity of economic division into districts with administrative Division.
Factors of placing of productive forces as set of concrete conditions and circumstances, Defining development and placing of manufactures on territory of the countries.


Natural factors:
1) Presence of natural resources, their quantitative and qualitative an estimation;
2) Climatic and ecological conditions.
Increasing role of the ecological factor at a substantiation manufacture placings on territory of the country. Climatic Conditions - the major natural factor of development and placing Making branches of agriculture. Regional Distinctions of placing of an agricultural production. Regional distinctions naturally and their influence on Level of all elements of expenses. Technical and economic indicators, reflecting natural factors.

Demographic factors:
1)         A population and it moving;
2)         age population structure;
3)         Natural and mechanical Population movement nationally and in territorial A cut;
4)         Number of a manpower and them age structure;
5)         A skill level cash a manpower.
The indicators reflecting demographic factors.
Technical and economic factors:
1)         Spatial position of area manufacture placings;
2)         Transport security;
3)         A level of development of objects an industrial and social infrastructure;
4)         Volume of capital and current expenses around placing of objects.
The indicators opening essence of cost factors: a capital intensity, complexity, labor input.
Indicators of efficiency of placing of new objects making Branches: the resulted expenses, factor comparative Efficiency, a time of recovery of outlay additional capital Investments, economy.
Scientific and technical progress, industrial and scientific Potential. Value Scientific and technical progress for an exit from economic Crisis, acceleration of social and economic development and increase A standard of living of the population of the Russian Federation.
Interrelation of the factors defining development and placing Of productive forces.


Economic law  Action of laws is expressed through To law .Examples of laws: economy of time, productivity increase Work, cost, etc.
Laws RPS: 1. Systematic, Proportional placing of manufacture on territory The countries. It is developed for socialism. Law works in an economy state sector at a public property on means Manufactures. As a result of privatisation the state sector share  Decreases. State sector structure. Rational territorial Social activities division. (Process of isolation of regions on To branches of leading specialisation: the parity of branches and manufactures, the introduction of regions in The barter giving profit is provided optimum ; an optimum variant of operation A natural complex; the inter-regional balance Manufacture and consumption is formed, communications are established and transport develops . 3. Complex, harmonious development of an economy of the country And its economic region. 4. Alignment of levels Economic and social development and lifting maintenance Economy of all territorial structures. (Voronin, 1997, P.1, with. 31)
Principles RPS: 1. Unity Economic division into districts with administrative-territorial Division (relative and absolute, in "narrow" and "wide" Sense). 2. Prime development and complex Use of the most effective kinds of natural resources. 3.  Manufacture Approach to sources of raw materials, fuel, The electric power, a manpower and consumption areas. 4. The Account of interests of strengthening of defensibility of the country at Placing of economic objects. 5. Realisation of advantages and Economic gains of the international division of labour in development And placing of productive forces. 6. All-round reduction Losses of work in the course of manufacture and the reference ready A product. (Voronin, 1997, p.1, with.33)

Natural factors: Presence of natural resources, Their quantitative and quality standard; climatic and Ecological conditions. An increasing role of the ecological factor At a substantiation of placing of manufacture on territory of the country. The Natural factor of development and placing agricultural Manufactures. Regional distinctions naturally and them Influence on level of all elements of expenses. Technical and economic The indicators reflecting natural factors.
Demographic factors: A population and its moving; age structure The population; natural and mechanical movement of the population in Scale of all country and in a territorial cut; number A manpower and them age  structure; level Qualifications of a cash manpower. The indicators reflecting Demographic factors.
Business factors: Spatial position of area, manufacture placing; Transport security; a level of development of objects An industrial and social infrastructure; volume capital And current expenses around placing of objects. Indicators, Opening essence of cost factors.
At the answer to a question on factors RPS to lean on branch and territorial (on Ayr) sections. Under each factor to result concrete examples on branches, To territories or the concrete enterprises.

Under NTP continuous process interconnected forward Developments of a science, technics, manufacture and consumption is understood . The scientific and technological revolution Is understood as qualitatively new jump (stage) in Development of productive forces.
The factors raising efficiency Of manufacture: 1. Branch structure of an economy of the country. 2. Territorial placing of manufacture. 3. Degree Uses of natural resources. 4. Use degree Production assets and a labour. 5. Welfare Level of workers.
The basic directions NTP: 1. Perfection of instruments of labour. 2. Perfection of subjects Work (raw materials and materials). 3. Use of new kinds Energy. 4. Perfection of technologies. 5. Improvement The manufacture and management organisations. 6. Biotechnology.
The basic directions of a scientific and technological revolution: 1. Occurrence of new branches of manufacture. 2. Search and development New resources. 3. Preparation of qualitatively new experts. 4. Development and use of new kinds of technics.
Basic elements NTP: human Resources, financial resources, the information.

Number of science officers (The personnel occupied with researches and workings out) it was reduced (Thousand people): with 1533 (1992) to 855 (1998) or in 1.8 times. All number occupied in branch «the Science and scientific Service» was reduced (million people) with 3.1 (1985) to 1.3  (1998) or in 2.3 times. These are the highest rates of decrease Number of workers among all branches.

The organisations which are carrying out Research works: research Institutes (scientific research institute), design offices (KB), higher educational Institutions (HIGH SCHOOLS), design and design and survey the organizations.

The industrial potential has Branch and territorial aspects also is characterized by presence The basic production assets etc.   Scientific and industrial potential Promote creation of new cars, automation means, the equipment.


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. : : © M. K. Shishkov, M. Y. Kormushin , 2002-2009 : : .
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