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Theme 2.7. Geography industries of construction materials


The role of the construction industry in the territorial economic systems and its relationship with other industries. Branch structure of the building complex. The main factors of placement and territorial organization of enterprises building complex, its territorial structure. 
Building materials industry, its meaning and structure. Natural resources The industry of building materials, their qualitative and quantitative evaluation. Placement of the country. Use in the manufacture of building materials industrial wastes and associated materials. Types of building materials, geography, and especially their placement. Factors determining the rationalization of transport construction materials. Economic evaluation of the industries of construction materials at the present stage and prospects of their development. Industry of building materials and environmental problems. 
The building complex includes the building materials industry and a broad network of various construction and design and survey organizations. In the industry of building materials include: cement industry; precast concrete industry, production of lime, gypsum, sheet glass, asbestos and others. Factors adding: climatic conditions, availability of raw materials; volume of investment, the level of economic development in the region, availability of building their own bases and facilities in the region, and so on. 

Features of the complex, affecting the placement and development: the existence of its own specialized logistics, integrated development, isolation of industries within the complex, the task aimed at ensuring the integrity of the complex; maneuverability of its individual species.Building materials industry tend to be commodity and consumer factors. Mainly raw material orientation - cement, bricks, asbestos and asbestos products, glass, gypsum, lime, etc.Consumer orientation: reinforced concrete products and concrete, soft roof. Construction industry - link any of the cluster. 
Basic indicators. In 1992-2000 the number of employees in the building materials industry decreased by 1,8 times and amounted to 625 thousand people, the production of cement - in 1,9 times (32.4 million tons). 
The main producers of cement In 2000, were: Belgorod and Bryansk regions (the smallest decline in output in the 90 years-88%) -3,5-3, Sverdlovsk - 2,4, Moscow, Krasnodar, Volgograd, Leningrad, Mordovia, Saratov, Chelyabinsk -2-1,5. Samara region - 0.2 million tons, 26 th place out of 35 regions. 
Some techno-economic performance of the cement industry: 1) the proportion of cement clinker, obtained by energy-saving technologies, the total production of cement - from 18% in 1990-1992 years to 14% in 1999 2000 years. 2) the proportion of cement grade 500 and more - from 25% in 1991 1992years up to 27% In 2000, 
In 1990godu. - Belgorod> 6, Sverdlovsk, Krasnoyarsk, Chelyabinsk, Krasnodar -> 5. Samara region -1.9 million tons, 20 th place out of 33 regions (reducing production by 10 times, the highest among the regions of large producers). 
In 1970. Samara region -1.6 million tons, 16 th place out of 31 in the region. Chelyabinsk, Krasnodar Leningrad> 4, the Moscow Saratov Kemerovo> 3, Belgorod Volgograd Krasnoyarsk Sverdlovsk> 2.5. 
The highest production of wall materials by region in 2000. (billion pieces of conventional brick): Krasnodar Moscow> 0,7, Tatarstan> 0,6, Bashkortostan Belgorod> 0,5, Samara (6 th) <0.5. 
1990. - Moscow, Krasnodar Rostov Sverdlovsk> 1, Samara (15 th) <0.7. 1970. - Moscow, Krasnodar Rostov> 1, Moscow Sverdlovsk Nizhegorodskaya> 0,9, Samara (7 th)> 0,8. 
The volume of work performed under construction contracts In 2000, 36% of the level 1990.The largest drop in contracting occurred in 1992-1994 and 1999-2000 started to grow.Share volume of work performed under construction contracts to the private ownership reached in 2000. 60%, mixed grew. - 24, the state dropped to 11%. 
Total commissioning of houses had dropped in 1992 2000years in 1,37 times. And was 30.3 million square kilometers of total area. This is the lowest figure since 1992. 


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. : : © M. K. Shishkov, M. Y. Kormushin , 2002-2009 : : .
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