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The monography


Theme 2.2. Geography of branches of a fuel and energy complex (thermal power station)


1. The course program - a theme 2.2. Geography of branches of a fuel and energy complex

2. A short course of lectures - a theme 2.2. Thermal power station.

Help materials:

2. Russia and the world countries. The Fuel and energy complex per 1990-2004 (tables.xls (zip) 31 KB).

3. The industry 1. Russia and the countries of the world 1990-2000 (cards and tables).

4. The industry 1. Russia and the countries of the world 1995-2004 (cards and tables).

5. The industry 2. Russia and the countries of the world 1995-2004 (cards and tables).

6. The Fuel and energy complex of Russia per 1970-2004 (tables.xls (zip) 17 KB)

7. Regions of Russia. The Fuel and energy complex per 1990-2005 (tables.xls (zip) 76 KB).



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