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Theme 2.11 Geography of serving branches


1. The course program "Economic geography of the Russian Federation". A theme 2.11. Geography of serving branches.

2. Zubarevich N.V., the Moscow State University of M.V.Lomonosova. A course of lectures "Geography of non-productive sphere", 2006 (.doc (zip) 115 KB).

3. A standard of living. Russia and the world countries per 1990-2000 (61 card and the table).

4. A standard of living. Russia and the world countries per 1995-2004 (120 cards and tables).

5. Preschool educational institutions. Regions of Russia 1990-2005 (tables.xls (zip) 139 KB).

6. Day educational institutions. Regions of Russia 1990-2005 (tables.xls (zip) 53 KB).

7. Establishments of initial and average vocational training. Regions of Russia 1990-2005 (tables.xls (zip) 86 KB).

8. Higher educational institutions. Regions of Russia 1990-2005 (tables.xls (zip) 231 KB).

9. Public health services establishments. Regions of Russia 1990-2005 (tables.xls (zip) 99 KB).

10. Public health services shots. Regions of Russia 1990-2005 (tables.xls (zip) 121 KB).

11. Disease. Regions of Russia 1990-2005 (tables.xls (zip) 100 KB).

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. : : © M. K. Shishkov, M. Y. Kormushin , 2002-2009 : : .
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